Kisage X

From ONISM1999
Kisage X

Voiced By Shogo Miyakita
Age Unknown
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Born Kisage Yosuke, Kisage X is a Japanese film director living in Cape Juno. He created the films which Arcangelo stars in.

Filmography[edit | edit source]

Black Pond Cocktail (1978)[edit | edit source]

A half-fish half-boy named Sakana is recently given consciousness. He meets a wizard named Wizarro that tells him to find and drink water or else he will die. Sakana travels up the mountains from where he was born, and finds a blackened pond. As he drinks from it, a creature from within threatens to drown him if he can't answer the question: "Why do we live? Why do we die? Why do we suffer?"

It is currently unknown what happens next in the film, as the legend of what happened during the first screening is prioritized more. After the creature asks Sakana these questions, the projector failed and there was a nearly 3 hour wait until the film started back up again. After the confusion and anger, the crowd began to shout out their own answers to the question, and began improvising the plot themselves. It's apart of tradition for any screening of the movie to have the audience shout out their answers to the question.

Gashapon toys were created for the characters, but were cancelled due to the premiere. Only 250 were produced. Because of the low quantity and cult status of the film, they became valuable collector's items. A set of Wizarro and Sakana sold for $182,000 in 2053.

The movie is featured in the first Kisage X Fanzine entry, a zine organized by the eccentric Fanzina. Members apart of the e-mail chain answered the notorious question from the movie.

The Blackened Pond (1992)[edit | edit source]

“I’m jealous of my own reflection. Mirrored and flat, like a frame from a movie. I’m envious of myself. But only when my life is reflected back at me. This is the first Original Sin; CompariSin.”

- Scribe of ONI-SOM.

A non-human little girl finds a blackened pond that, when looked into, shows a parallel reality that is better than the one he currently lives in. This knowledge makes the kid realize how much better the world could be and has him criticize reality for the way it is.

Electric City Golgotha: Crufusion (????)[edit | edit source]


Music From Another Reality: Electric City Strikers (????)[edit | edit source]


Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • He went bald from high testosterone in his late 30s.[1]
    • His wife appreciated the change, as she loved him for his mind, not his famous "Reverse Greaser" hairstyle.[2]
  • Though an exact age isn't known, he's somewhere past his late 30s during YIIK I.V.[3]

References[edit | edit source]