
From ONISM1999
A Sorrowful Maiden Karta being used in combat.

Karta are a gameplay mechanic introduced by YIIK I.V. They can be placed in the Back (B) Middle (M) and Front (F) of a party member or an enemy to protect their HP. This doesn't completely protect them as a lucky pierce attack can go straight through the Karta and hit the HP directly.

Each Karta has powers, including stat upgrades and a unique passive ability. Once the Karta is destroyed however, these benefits are lost. The Karta can also be sacrificed for a special ability. Once a battle is complete, the player will regain all of their Karta back.

You can obtain new Karta by opening Foils found in the Mind Dungeon. They can be leveled up in the Mind Dungeon and start at level 1.

Main Karta[edit | edit source]

Karta Stat Hand Use

The Seamstress
LIF 1, STR 1, SPD 50 Life doubled. Regenerates a small amount of Life every turn. Fully restore Life of all allies.

The Wine of Fortune
LIF 1, AGL 2, LUK 15 Greater chance of a rare item drop if intact after a fight. Reduce enemy Luck.

The Changed Prince
LIF 1, STR 1, SPD 1 Karta in hand are healed a bit every turn. Discard Karta hand, and draw new Karta from another realm.

The Poison Apple
LIF 1, LUK -10, SPD 2 User stuck in Bleed sate, but will always deal direct damage when attacking. Stop all party members from bleeding. Heal on higher levels.

The Hungry Traveler
LIF 1, SPD 100 User stuck in Bleed state, but item effects are doubled. Slow Bleeding for the duration of battle. All status effects cleared.

The Noble Thief
LIF 1, AGl 10, PRC 1, SPD 10 Steal an item from the attacking enemy. Steal single Karta from an enemy with a Piercing attack.

The Deep Well
unknown Affinity changed to Water. Deal more damage, but Speed is greatly decreased. Auto-extinguish fire. Lower target Speed.

The Silver Spoon
LIF 2, SPD 50 Gain more cash if intact after a fight. Attack with the strength of your wallet. More money, more damage. You will not lose any money.

The Crooked Man
LIF 1, AGL 15 Make user immune to most Piercing attacks. Damage enemy Agility.

The Torn Hat
LIF 1, AGL -6, SPD 20 Gain more EXP on battle end. Remove an enemy's ability to Pierce.

The Fattened Calf
LIF 6, STR 8, AGL 3, SPD 5 +10 MAX PP for the entire battle. Heal Karta of all allies.

The Sorrowful Maiden
LIF 1, STR 9, AGL -8, PRC 8, SPD 50 The user will attack all Karta rows of an enemy. Lower maximum Life of target.

Special Karta[edit | edit source]

Karta Stat Hand Use

STR 1, AGL 1, LUK 1, PRC 1 The Heart, different from the Soul. Regenerate a small amount of life every turn. Attack all enemies.

STR 10 Stops bleeding (usually), and protects the wound. Rip it off for an aggressive attack.

None You are made weaker by your lack of Karta. No Karta in this slot. Cannot be used in combat.

Other Karta[edit | edit source]

Leveling up also has some form of Karta.

Exploring the Mind Dungeon has a "wing" Karta which allows Alex to jump, and a "camera" Karta which allows changing the camera to whatever angle you like.

Gallery[edit | edit source]