Cape Juno

From ONISM1999
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Cape Juno is a fishing town in New Jersey. The area was made for the 2018 PAX demo, and is currently inaccessible in the final game. Many police officers roam the area. Matthew is the boss fight, who looks a lot like the Gothic Entity.

Residents[edit | edit source]

  • Wilfrid
  • Fertile Mermaid
  • Alert Officer
  • Police Officer (2)
  • Middle-Aged Man
  • Lonely Kid
  • Warm Lady
  • Cool Guy
  • Cozy Cody
  • Tepid Tammy
  • Haggard Henry
  • Lonely Boy
  • Stargazer
  • Motherless Child
  • Shady Girl
  • Donna (Scared Mother)

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]