Rory Mancer

From ONISM1999
Rory Mancer A symbol representing one of the elemental affinities.

Rory with his hands in his pockets, looking away awkwardly.
Rory with his hands in his pockets, looking away awkwardly.

Rory using a sign to block and incoming hit.

A white ghostly looking Rory.

A soul survivor with flowing blonde hair, stuck in a peculiar pose.

Rory in a giant suit of armor, holding a shield almost as big as him.

Classification Loner
Conscientious Objector/Healer
Screen Name BearsNecessity
Voiced By Andrew Fayette (Yuriofwind)
Age 23[1]
Height 6'2 (slouching)
6'3 (standing up straight)[2]
Hair Color Blonde
"Hi, I'm Rory. I'm a scene kid with a dead sister."

Rory Mancer is a main character in YIIK: A Post-Modern RPG. He's a resident of Wind Town and an active ONISM user, but people tend to not reply to his posts very often.

Personality[edit | edit source]

A quiet boy with a troubled past.

Rory is a pacifist and doesn't wish to bring harm onto anyone. He is so committed to his ideals that he will not attack any enemies in battle, and instead opting to defend others and take the hit. Fittingly, he feels responsible for Carrie's suicide, as he believes she was bullied specifically for being his sister.

In a conversation with The Essentia 2000, Rory expresses his desire to save people who have suicidal thoughts, and make others realize how precious life is. However he also struggles depression and grief. Rory desperately seeks for attention, and seems to use ONISM as a way to engage with other people. However he's not very popular, and often ends a post typing "THERE ARE NO MORE REPLIES TO THIS POST", a self-aware joke knowing that no one will respond to him.

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Carrie[edit | edit source]

Carrie was Rory's younger sister who committed suicide. It's clear that the two were very close, as Rory mentions her very often and feels her presence even after death. Rory feels responsible for her death because he believes that she was bullied at school because of him.

Vella[edit | edit source]

When Rory meets his own soul survivor and is convinced it's Carrie, Vella tells him that this is not true. Vella is sympathetic to Rory and tries to comfort him about his sister's death. Vella also immediately defends Rory whenever Alex acts cruel towards him. Despite this, Rory does not appear to have a strong relationship with Vella, and often tries to seek validation from Alex instead.

Alex[edit | edit source]

Despite Alex berating him for "lying," Rory often accepts the verbal abuse and even agrees with him. He later asks to have a personal conversation with him in Chapter 4. This may be not be because Rory actually likes Alex, but because he feels like he has no one else to talk to about it.

Story[edit | edit source]

Rory makes a post on ONISM called Sensing the presence of a passed loved one ONISM Logo, which is about about his sister, Carrie, who committed suicide. He believes he can still feel her presence. Alex, accompanied by Michael and Vella, come to investigate with Rory down in a sewer. Rory meets with his soul Survivor, who he believes is Carrie. He feels as if her death was his fault. The Golden Alpaca interrupts and kills the soul survivor. After exiting the sewer, Alex tells Rory off for bringing them to such a dangerous situation, and Rory runs off.

Michael pushes Alex to apologize to Rory for what he said. No matter if he actually does or not, Rory helps Alex with his quest to find the Mystical Ultima LP Legend.

A few days after Alex runs off with The Essentia 2000, if the player has made certain choices, Rory will or will not commit suicide. If he dies, a suicide note is posted to ONISM. ONISM Logo In Ending 2, he appears as a ghost in the supply closet that "only people with dead friends are allowed to go in" and tells the player that his death wasn't their fault.

Combat[edit | edit source]

Unlike most party members, Rory cannot immediately attack. Instead he has a counterattack. If Rory is hit during his counterattack, he will damage back.

Rory is generally meant to support the rest of the party. His skills are incredibly helpful in keeping everyone alive, and his great SPD can often have him make two turns in a row.

Protest[edit | edit source]

"Convince enemy to leave the fight."

PP: 3

Give Karta[edit | edit source]

"Give random Karta to an ally."

PP: 3

Stat Swap[edit | edit source]

"Trade LIFE amount with an enemy."

PP: 2

Suture[edit | edit source]

"Give ally a Heart, and stop bleed."

PP: 3

Curveball[edit | edit source]


PP: 5

Unlike most party members, Rory does not attack. Instead, he has Pacifism, which defends the entire party from an attack. His defense is boosted as well. Some of the damage dealt to him can be reflected back at the enemies. Because of his increased defense, a good strategy is to intentionally take damage to fill up the Time Energy meter faster.

HP/PP Swap[edit | edit source]

"Swap Rory's HP and PP Values."

PP : None

Protest[edit | edit source]

"Fight for what you believe in! Chance of lowering an enemy's luck."

PP : 2

This move affects the entire enemy party.

Sacrifice[edit | edit source]

"Give up Rory's remaining HP to revive a fallen party member."

PP : 25

This move will revive all party members.

Talk[edit | edit source]

"Attempt to reason with the enemy by talking."

PP : 15

This move can instantly defeat an enemy, making it extremely strong. The less HP an enemy has, the more likely it has the chance to work.

Holy Heal[edit | edit source]

"Divide up the damage Rory has taken as health to heal the party."

PP : 4

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]