
From ONISM1999
Cyrille A symbol representing one of the elemental affinities.
Also Known As The Holy Thief
Voiced By Morgan Laure
Age Unknown
Height Unknown
Hair Color Blue/Brown
Starting Karta
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Note: "Talk more about what Cyrille says in DP 1 and the hidden transcript. Add personality and relationships."
"I am virginal onto reality. My imagination does not betray reality."

Cyrille is the deuteragonist of New Game+/Y2K II: Benevolent Psychosis. Her story beginning as she dreams of The Master warning her about the arrival of the ONISM MAN.

She was first publicly mentioned in the password for the 1.25 beta patch- "CyrilleHasEntered". However, Cyrille has apparently been in the game.[1] It's unknown what this means or what form. In Deviation Perspective I, Cyrille is mentioned to be Vella's Great Aunt.

Cyrille also appears and speaks in a hidden transcript for the song MFAR SoulMate(SoulTraveler).

Combat[edit | edit source]

Skill PP Description Cast Time Recovery Time
Evasion Dance 1 "Raise AGL by 45 points." 0 500
Dragon Jump 2 "1.6 STR. Safe while in ACT zone." 900 900
Vampire Blade 2 "Attack enemy and recover Life." 30 777
Blinding Flash 3 "Reduce enemy accuracy." 0 1000

Story[edit | edit source]

Cyrille is a nun who lives in the Interior Castle at Olde Jersey. In a dream, she receives a message from The Master who warns her of an entity known as the ONISM MAN is coming, and to head to the chapel to receive a sword. Once there, Cyrille receives the blade as well as two "familiars" (Olexa and Michelle) from The Madonna, who tells her that she must save the ONISM MAN.

On the stairway of the castle, she finds Handsome Krow lying there, after falling down from The All. After accusing him of being the ONISM MAN, Krow attacks her due to being offended. After the short skirmish Krow flees into the forest, with Cyrille tagging close behind him. She meets him in the forest and admits that she was wrong in her accusation. In response, Krow tells her about the visions he saw after drinking from the Blackened Pond, both agreeing to head there to discuss further. There, Krow has another vision, depicting the ONISM MAN, giving Cyrille more details about what it is- a being without a body, but will soon have one. He says that to prevent them getting a body, they must burn the dead at a Fire Pit, a Graveyard, and The Moon.

In each location, Cyrille receives a vision from the future as "Proto-Cyrille". In the Fiery Pit, Cyrille sees a vision of The Queen raising her child, a child which "...will not have a single flesh, but many." In the Graveyard, she sees a vision of The Queen holding the Earth, flirting with Karl Marx. Proto-Cyrille warns of a "great criticism" which will reframe history. At The Moon, the vision shows Friedrich Nietzsche being tempted by The Queen's promise of digital immortality via a digital soul vessel.

After the corpses have been burnt, Krow betrays her by stealing her pendant and heading to the Blackened Pond, all in attempt to summon The Queen and become the ONISM MAN. While she is too late to save her pendant, she doesn't care, instead opting to promise to help Krow to get rid of his fear and pain. While at first Krow seems willing, he decides that its too late and that he has already become the ONISM MAN. From the pond, The Queen appears with a hatchet, killing Cyrille and Olexa and dragging Krow away. Michelle is able to recover Cyrille's body from the water, ascending into The All. Despite her death, The Master's Apprentice states her story has only begun, and concludes in another vessel.

References[edit | edit source]