The KNN (Korean News Network) is an area in Easton that many users on ONISM believe to be where Sammy Pak worked for two days and was seen before she disappeared. Across the street from the KNN to the south is a parking lot, and to the west is a Toy Store.
For most of the game, an employee guards the front entrance. It is only until "the end of the world" that he leaves his post, allowing for a secret ending.
KNN Ending[edit | edit source]
Alex ignores heading to New York City. Instead, and instead you (the player) work a day in Sammy's life at her job in KNN. Afterwards, Sammy tells "you" about how you can come with her to the next reality.
How to Obtain[edit | edit source]
Once New Years Eve has arrived, Alex's Dad should be in the living room of the house. Optionally, check ONISM for a new post titled Unseen32 and Better Endings. Alex now must head outside, and look behind the tree in his frontyard to find a cartoon version of Sammy. This unlocks the backdoor inside Alex's home, where you can drive to the KNN building and enter.
Story[edit | edit source]
Alex sees a post on ONISM called Unseen32 and Better Endings. Alex leaves for KNN, and the player becomes an intern for KNN. Their first order is to make a cup of weak coffee. This includes heading into a room where "only people with dead friends" are allowed. Their second order is to copy the master file from a Red Disk and transfer it to one of the computers before returning the disk to the boss journalist. Their final order is to buy a toy for the boss's son. Mr. Jacobs then asks the player to deliver a pink slip to the boss journalist. The player then gives the pink slip to the secretary so they can turn off the "Electronic Eye," which appears to be a security camera. This lets the player go further into the building, talking to the Ketsubans who claim to be cut content.
After speaking with all of the Ketsubans, a new door opens to a room which looks exactly like Sammy's room. The Golden Alpaca appears where her treasure chest was and repeats a line from Alex where he refuses to apologize to Rory: "Look, you're cool and all, but it was pretty screwed up of you to lie to us like that, man." A phone call is present where Sammy would've been, and when picked up Sammy speaks to you. She states how if you never met The Essentia 2000, everything would be better off. She also says that she isn't the Essentia. Hanging up, you leave the room and end up in a different area, with an elevator and another phone. Sammy on the phone warns you that if you leave with her into the elevator, reality will not end but you will not be able to come back. She offers you a choice to do this or to leave, but despite this you are unable to leave the area. Entering the elevator, "you" greet Sammy and bring her Dali back. They embrace, with Sammy telling you that one day "you" and her will meet again one day in "your waking reality."
Red Pill[edit | edit source]
On the second floor, a plant can be interacted with which grants Alex the Red Pill. It's a healing item granting 50% HP and 50% PP, with the description reading "It's a symbol of your desire to return to reality." Since in Chapter 5 you are automatically healed on the start of each day, this means you are unable to take it. This implies that Alex isn't willing to return to reality.
The red pill is commonly associated with the 3rd Ending and Chad.
Rory's Ghost[edit | edit source]
If Rory committed suicide in the playthrough, an apparition of him appears in the room meant for "people with dead friends." Rory tells specifically the player that what happened was not their fault, and that what happened to him was going to happen one way or another.
Characters[edit | edit source]
Employees[edit | edit source]
- Semi Pak (Supposedly an intern before she went missing.)
- Security Journalist
- Secretary Journalist
- Distraught Journalist
- Boss Journalist
- Tired Journalist
- Lactose Loving Journalist
- Diabetic Journalist
- Mr. Jacobs Journalist
Other Appearances[edit | edit source]
- Rory Mancer (Only if he died)
- Shop Worker (Toy Store)
- Wild Ketsuban
- Blue Ketsuban
- Red Ketsuban
- Green Ketsuban
- Yellow Ketsuban
Gallery[edit | edit source]
A journalist.
A secretary. Also the appearance of the Wild Ketsuban.
Red Ketsuban.
Yellow Ketsuban.
Blue Ketsuban.
Green Ketsuban.
The exterior of KNN.
A room with a dead friend.
The first floor of KNN.
Alex embracing Sammy.
Sammy's Room.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- KNN's theme is a slowed down version of Sammy's theme.
- While the red pill is commonly associated with The Matrix, the description is referring to a quote from the film Total Recall, which also features a red pill.
- Once "Sammy" asks you if you want to leave with her, it is possible to say no. This results in a text box saying "Alex hesitates." You can't leave the room however, so you are forced to comply and enter the elevator.
- Despite the toy costing $1000.00, if you don't have enough money it will still allow you to buy it anyways.
- In the Switch version of the game, there is code connected to Chad which grants you with a Red Pill the second you enter the area from the overworld map.
- Many of the rooms resemble the Factory Hotel, including a lot of the props like plants and sofas being re-used.
- It is a common misconception that Rory is talking to Alex, when in reality he uses the player's name, suggesting his speech is towards them.
- Ketsuban is Japanese for MissingNo., a reference to a famous glitch from the original Pokémon games.
- The Red Ketsuban flashing between two different models is a reference to how MissingNo flashes between two sprites in the player's menu.
- The Ketsuban is commonly thought to have something to do with Ending 3, as some hints about the ending reference MissingNo.
- The names of all the Ketsuban reference the first generation Pokémon games: Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green. "Wild" could refer to the opening text of a Pokémon battle stating that a "wild Pokémon appeared!"