Strange behavior by my roommate


I think my roommate may be possessed. Like, seriously. I come home, and I find him kicking my cat. My beautiful, wonderful, perfect cat!! So, I asked him what in the name of all that is holy is wrong with him, and he just starts screaming at me. Words I couldn’t understand, I think it was latin. As far as I know, he doesn’t speak latin. So, what do you guys think... how likely is it that he’s possessed by Satan??


Is that all he did? Scream in latin and kick your cat? Fucked up, but not really a sign of possession. Did his head spin, or did he vomit up any weird juices?


He has been really late on his rent lately, and he’s built this weird alter in his closet to the almighty US dollar. He became very depressed because his coworkers all died in a tragic freak accident, that may or may not have been his fault (I think he murdered them all.)


Da fuq. What kind of freak accident?


He worked in a lab doing research and then some seal or something broke, and everyone died except for him. It was traumatizing. I think the trauma from the event caused his soul to become broken, so he could have his soul entered by the devil. Thoughts guys?????