Elevator Girl


Semi “Sammy” Pak, 21, missing, and a thief. (She stole my heart.) (Insert Missing Woman Poster) Interestingly enough, I saw this missing persons ad this morning. I scanned it in. Sorry for the potato quality. Correct me if I’m wrong (and I’m sure you mofos will surely do so) but is this not the asian girl from the elevator video?


They all look the same, so I can’t be certain.


Same glasses, same hair... yeah, I’m going to say that’s her. So now we know her age, her weight... any other details? Where was this printed? where did you find it? Seriously, don’t just post this without the backstory.


My bad. We have a newspaper in my town, the Frankview Daily Journal, and they were inserted into the all the papers. Basically, that’s the entire story. I woke up, went to work at the 777, opened up a paper, and this beauty fell out.


I overcame my social awkwardness and called the number. This is what I found out. She was an intern or some low level employee at a Korean News network. She recently relocated to Easton to work there. She english is great, but she wasn’t born here. She went to an international school of some sort, and moved to the US of A in 1992. She’s been missing since April 4th. As far as I can tell through through the thick accent of the guy who answered the phone, she at her second day of work when she disappeared. I asked him about the video, and he didn’t know anything about it.


I had my money on her being chinese. Something smells fishy.


So let’s get this straight. She goes to work, and vanished? That’s it? Does anyone know if she got to work? Was she out on an errand? Come the fuck on, BearsNecessity, there has to be more to the story than that. I AOLed her name, and all I find is the ONISM posts.


Call the number yourself if you don’t believe me asshole.


Well, as eightmallet has obviously bitched out and now called them... but I did. And what Bears says seems to be pretty on point. She left for work, got to work, and somewhere in the middle of the day people realized she wasn’t at her desk. The figured she left during lunch and never came back. Anyone here speak korean feel like giving her work a call? Apparenyl she worked for the KNN. It literally stands for... Korean News Network. Creative right?


I’m going to ask this kid at school to see if he’ll do it. I’m pretty sure he’s korean, but he’s kind of awkward.


Let us know what happens.


Any update on this?


no go. he said no. Anyone else?


I’m new to ONISM, and I’m pretty surprised by some of the stuff on here. A friend of mine asks me to look at this and see if I could help. I called KNN and no one would talk to me. They said that if I HAD any information about Semi Pak to call the hotline that her uncle set up. So, I called him, and I found out a little bit more about her. Apparently, she is a huuuuge dog lover. That she has a dog named Ernst! Anyway, her position at the KNN was basically clerk-ical. Paperwork, photocopies, crap like that. Apparently her mom is really ill.


So lets take this from the beginning. Semi Pak gets a job at KNN in Easton, and works there for two days. Somewhere on her second day, she disappears and people think she quit on her lunch break or something? That, and she has a dog named Ernst... yeah, great. Mystery solved ONISM! We did it.


We need to find a way to get people at KNN to tell us what they say that day. Did anyone eat lunch with her? Is there a log of who comes in and out of the building? Clearly, there has to be some sort of details as to where that elevator video was filmed. First things first. Does anyone know how many floors the KNN building is? Is it possible it was filmed there? Since we know for a fact that she made it to work on april 4th, my money is on the video being filmed there. imperfectpicket, any chance you can call them again and ask how many floors their building has? Or even if it has an elevator?




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Typical ONISM users... makes a compelling post, and then disappears. I called KNN myself. No one wanted to talk to me. So, I looked up the address, and found out that there is a Toy store across from KNN. I called the Toy Store, and they said that KNN is only bi-level. So, it leaves me wondering if they’d have an elevator at all.


BearsNecessity makes an interesting point about whether or not there is an elevator or not in a bi-level building. And the answer of course is, yes. You can’t run an S Class Corporation in the US and not have wheelchair accessible floors. So, even if the video wasn’t taken at KNN, they likely DO have an elevator because of the americans with disabilities act or whatever. Lastly, look closely at the video. There is clearly more than two floor options. If it WAS at the KNN, there would only be a first and second floor button. Maybe, a B1. But there are at least 6 floor buttons in this video, so I think we can rule the KNN building out at the filming location for the video.


GREAT POINTS. Okay, so if it’s not the KNN building, are there any other locations within walking or taxi that she could be in? I wish we knew WHAT TIME she left the KNN building.


The time stamp on the video is nonsensical, so that doesn’t even help us. I have no idea what it’s counting.Seconds, days, years. WhY ARE THERE SO MANY DIGITS!!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!!?